Muhammad is now most popular name for British babies - Islamic Paradise

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Muhammad is now most popular name for British babies

This Post was Posted by at Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Muhammad is now most popular name for British babies

Assalam O Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu !
Today I've shared a great news for Ummat-e-Muslima ! Recently I watched a video that was telling about IN SHA ALLAH how Muslim will conquer Europe because of the majority of Muslims in Europe.Now i saw a picture stating that " Muhammad is the top name for boys " and i felt great and thought i should share it with others so below is the news.Check out.

  • Muhammad has become most popular name for boys in London.
  • Muhammad is ranked second popular name for boys in England and Wales.

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Muhammad is now most popular name for British babies

The news is that on Tuesday 13 August 2013 Dailymail ( WARNING : Before opening the web page please know that page contains female pictures at the bottom and in the sidebar please be careful and lower your gaze )  shared a new that Muhammed has become the most popular name for baby boys in London for the first time.Below is the original text that Dailymail shared :

Muhammed has become the most popular name for baby boys in London for the first time.
Combined spellings of the Islamic prophet’s name have made it the most popular name for newborn boys in England for three years in a row.

They rank higher than other favourites such as Harry and Jack in the top 100 names for boys from the Office for National Statistics.
Now, however, the single variant Muhammad has topped the list in the capital with 768 registered births last year, ahead of Daniel on 666.
Three different spellings of the name are listed in the top 100 names for boys from the Office for National Statistics. The most common is Muhammad, which is in 19th place on the table. Mohammed comes 26th and Mohammad is in 60th place.

Overall the name was given 7,139 times in 2012, just 29 behind Harry – which took the top spot.
Muhammad was the most popular name for boys in London, Jack was picked by most in the north east while most Welsh parents went for Jacob.
Across England, a total of 7,032 babies were given the name using the spellings of Muhammad (18th), Mohammed (25th) and Mohammad (58th) – topping the 6,893 that were called Harry.
Note : This text is taken from two pages of

Muhammad is now most popular name for British babies

Muhammad is now most popular name for British babies

No doubt this is really a great news and a great time to see Islam spreading even though when the west is trying is best to prove Islam is an extremist religion when they don't know much about it and they just hate it.Kindly share this news with your friends and family and let them know how Islam is spreading :)
Jazak Allah :) May Allah Bless You !

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+ comments + 1 comments

September 16, 2013 at 7:17 AM

Mashallah, i really find it great, may ALLAH spread more to china and america too

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