Do not sit with Scholars who Divide - Islamic Paradise

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Do not sit with Scholars who Divide

This Post was Posted by at Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Do not sit with Scholars who Divide
Assalam O Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu !
By the grace of Allah S.W.T I am pretty sure that we all know the importance of unity in anything.Specially importance of unity showed by Islam.Our Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W when migrated to Medina what he did ? He unified the Sahaba there.Aus and Khazraj tribe were at each other's throat but He ( S.A.W ) prevent them from fighting and unified them.
Unity is one of the basic principles to get success which we THE MUSLIMS are lacking at this point of time.We have divided ourselves into many sects and groups and our behaviour towards other is not friendly but we treat each other is if we are enemy of each other.If we doesn't like anything we call the person Kafir or Khawarij.What is this ? is this is what Islam teaches us ? if yes then maybe i am on the wrong path.

It's all divide and rule game.The anti-Muslim forces are trying to divide us because they know " United we stand , divided we fall ".So we must understand their plan and act upon unity.

Islam teaches us the lesson of Brotherhood and Unity.It urges us to be united otherwise we would fall in destruction and now-a-days we are seeing this by our own eyes.The Ummah is not united and we are having a lack of our identity.Everyone is trying to attack Islam from everywhere but we have closed our eyes to see that but our eyes are open to see the mistake of our brothers and sisters.If we want to establish Khilafah again then we must have to unify ourselves otherwise it will be difficult, it would have been impossible but it is the promise of Allah S.W.T then it will surely happen.This lecture is a cutted audio from Sheikh Zahir Mahmood's lecture.In this he is stressing upon unity of Muslims.Shaikh is saying that we should not sit with the Scholars who divide us amongst ourselves.Watch and Share with others !

Before going on maybe you would also like to listen :

Video : Don't sit with Scholars who Divide !

Jazak Allah Khair :) May Allah S.W.T Bless You and Your Family :) 

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