Some Major DOS and DONTS for the month of Ramadan - Islamic Paradise

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Some Major DOS and DONTS for the month of Ramadan

This Post was Posted by at Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dos and Donts for Ramadan al-Muabrak

Assalam O Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu !
As we all know that the blessed month of Ramadan al-Mubarak has arrived and showering Allah's Mercy on Ummat-e-Muslima and gates of Paradise has been opened and gates of Hell fire has been closed and devils are chained till the very last night of Ramadan al-Mubarak.In Ramadan we have to do more and more effort to gain Forgiveness from Allah and His mercy as we come to know from Ahadith.In Ramadan we get the AJR ( Sawab ) of one mandatory deed multiplied by 70 and one ordinary deed counts as one mandatory deed so we must have to put our extra effort to earn extra rewards so on the day of judgement our book will be given in our RIGHT HAND !

There are certain actions that one should not do and specialy in month of Ramadan that are already marked has Haraam but people does those because Shaitan always try to mislead people and yet they are caught by Shaitan but in Ramadan Shaitan is chained and cannot harm us so we should try to avoid those deeds because they can harm us badly.Below are some Dos that one should try to act upon to earn more and more rewards from Allah S.W.T and some Donts that one should try to avoid because these can harm us badly.

Some Dos for the month of Ramadan

1.Pray all Five daily Salah ( Prayer ) at time in the Masjid with Imam.
2.Try to study and learn Islamic knowledge and apply it on yourself.
3.Recite the book of Allah S.W.T as much as you can.
4.Do lots of Dhikr ( Zikr in urdu ) as it is also helpful in increasing Imaan.
5.Make lots of Dua ( Pray ) for yourself and for everyone else.
6.Give Charity ( Sadaqa ) to the poor and the needy ones and help them.

Some Donts for the month of Ramadan

1.Do fast , don't skip fasting because it is mandatory on every Muslim who have reached puberty so don't eat or drink during fasting.If due to some health issues you are unable to fast then don't eat or drink in front of anyone who is fasting.
2.Lower your gaze and don't look upon Haraam.
3.Don't argue or fight with anyone and if someone starts then say " I AM FASTING " as mentioned in Sunnah.
4.NO swearing , lying or backbiting.
5.NO smoking during fasting and try quitting it for the rest of your life.
6.Don't waste your time on useless activities and try to avoid T.V , Internet and using mobile phones instead of Worshiping Allah.

Dos and Donts for Ramadan al-Muabrak
Some Major DOS and DONTS for the blessed month of Ramadan al-Mubarak ( Picture by )

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