15 Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr - Islamic Paradise

Sunday, July 28, 2013

15 Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr

This Post was Posted by at Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr

Assalam O Alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuhu !

Eid ul-Fitr SubhanAllah is one of the two Eids that we Muslims celebrate and its the first one.The word Eid means " Festival " and Eid-ul-Fitr means " Festival of breaking of the fast ".Eid al-Fitr 2013 according to google IN SHA ALLAH will be on Wednesday , August 7.I've shared some ahadith related to Eid may you all will benefit from these.Eid ul Fitr is a day of happiness so please be happy and make others happy and i would like to request all of the to hug everyone you see because Eid is for all, do not beittle anyone because of his/her poverty or anything else.

Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr

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Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr

Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr

  • Abu Hurairah narrated: "When Allah's Messenger would go out on the day of Eid by one route, he would return by another." (Sahih) [ Jami at-Tirmidhi ]

  • It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah ( S.A.W ) used to go out to the ‘Eid prayers walking, and come back walking.” ( Da'if ) [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah ( S.A.W ) prayed ‘Eid at the prayer place, using a small spear as a Sutrah. [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas that: The Prophet ( S.A.W ) went out on the day of 'Eid and prayed two rak'ahs, and he did not pray before or after them. (Sahih)  [ Sunan an-Nasai ]

  • It was narrated that ‘Abdullah bin Sa’ib said: “I attended the ‘Eid prayer with the Messenger of Allah ( S.A.W ). He led us in offering the ‘Eid prayer, then he said: ‘I have finished the prayer. Whoever wants to sit (and listen to) the sermon, then let him sit, and whoever wants to leave, then let him leave.’” [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas that: The Prophet ( S.A.W ) went out on the day of 'Eid and prayed two rak'ahs, and he did not pray before or after them. (Sahih)  [ Sunan an-Nasai ]

  • It was narrated from Tha'labah bin Zahdam that: 'Ali appointed Abu Mas'ud over the people, then went out on the day of 'Eid and said: 'O people, it is not part of the sunnah to pray before the imam.'" (Hasan)  [ Sunan an-Nasai ]

  • It was narrated that from ‘Abdur-Rahman bin Abu Bakrah, from his father, that the Prophet ( S.A.W ) said: “Two months of ‘Eid whose reward cannot be reduced (even if they are twenty-nine days): ‘Ramaadan and Dhul-Hijjah.” [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from Abu Umamah that the Prophet ( S.A.W ) said: “Whoever spends the nights of the two ‘Eid in praying voluntary prayers, seeking reward from Allah, his heart will not die on the Day when hearts will die.” [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from ‘Aishah that the Messenger of Allah ( S.A.W ) said the Takbir seven and five times in (the prayer for ‘Eid) Fitr and Adha, apart from the Takbir for Ruku’ (bowing). [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Prophet ( S.A.W ) used to recite in the ‘Eid prayer “Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High.” [Al-A’la (87)] and “Has there come to you the narration of the overwhelming?” [Al-Ghashiyah (88)]. [ Sunan Ibn Majah ]

  • It was narrated from 'Aishah that: The Messenger of Allah ( S.A.W ) entered upon her and there were two girls with her who were beating the duff. Abu Bakr scolded them, but the Prophet ( S.A.W ) said: "Leave them, for every people has an 'Eid." (Sahih) [ Sunan an-Nasai ]

  • It was narrated that 'Aishah said: " "Some Bedouins came to Al-Madinah at the time of (Eid) Al-Adha and the Messenger of Allah said: 'Eat, and store (the meat) for three days.' After that they said: 'O Messenger of Allah, the people used to benefit form their sacrifices by melting down the fat, and (also) making water skins from them.' He said: 'Why are you asking?' He said: 'Because you forbade us form keeping the meat of the sacrificial animals.' He said: 'I only forbade that because of the Bedouins who came. (Now) eat it, store it and give it in charity," (Sahih ) [ Sunan an-Nasai ]

  • Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakrah narrated from his father that : the Messenger of Allah said: "The two months of Eid will not both be deficient: Ramadn and Dhul-Hijjah." (Sahih) [ Jami at-Tirmidhi ]

  • Abu Hurairah narrated: "When Allah's Messenger would go out on the day of Eid by one route, he would return by another." (Sahih) [ Jami at-Tirmidhi ]

Ahadith related to Eid ul Fitr

Jazak Allah Khair :) May Allah Bless You and Your Family !

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