What is Islam and on what it is based upon ? - Islamic Paradise

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What is Islam and on what it is based upon ?

This Post was Posted by at Sunday, May 05, 2013

What is Islam and on what it is based upon ?

Assalam O Alaikum !

First of all , i ask ALLAH S.W.T for that if i make any mistake and i ask you guys to correct me when find me wrong.

Islam is defined as a monotheistic ( a belief in the existence of one God only / in the oness of God ) and Ibrahamic religion ( Religion of the Ibrahim A.S ) based on the Holy book QUR'AN which is considered by its adherents ( Muslims ) to be the word of ALLAH ( God ) and on the teachings and daily life practices ( called Sunnah , based on Hadith from the companions ) of the last Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W.

In Islam , it is the very basic believe that there is no God except ALLAH and he is the only one that has the rights to be worshipped and the purpose of existance of human beings , animals and any living thing is the worship ALLAH ALONE and to love him and serve him and his true religion ISLAM.Islam is the complete version of the religion that was revealed to the prophets before Muhammad S.A.W like Adam A.S , Nuh ( Noah ) A.S , Ibrahim ( Abraham ) A.S , Musa ( Moses ) A.s and Essa ( Jesus ) A.S and the others +1 lacs.

The purpose of sending a Prophet is to let the people know about One God who created this Universe , who created Sky , Earth , Water , Air and everything that exist in this World and to let them know about the purpose of their life that is to worship Allah and follow the commands of Allah which can be done by following what Prophet of that time says.In Islam , there is no doubt in that a Prophet cannot make a major mistake however they made some little mistakes but Allah corrected them before they die because Allah didn't want to anyone to follow something wrong and then blame on any beloved Prophet of Allah.However in other religions like Judaism and Christianity there are many stories or whatever i call them but there are many things written in their books that Prophets made mistakes and a lot etc etc that is unacceptable in Islam.

On What Islam is Based Upon ?

Islam is basically based upon QUR'AN and Hadith ( Hadees ) of the Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him ) and it has five pillars which are called Pillars of Islam ( Arkan-al-Islam also Arkan-ad-deen ) .

1. Shahadah ( Belief )

2. Salah ( Prayer )
3. Zakah ( Charitable giving )
4. Sawm ( Fasting )
5. Hajj ( Pilgrimage to Makkah )

Shahadah ( Belief )

Shahadah ( Shahadat in urdu ) is the declaration of faith and trust in that There is no God except ALLAH and Muhammad is the messenger of ALLAH.Believing in this is obligatory on every muslim otherwise he/she cannot be a muslim.In other words , it is the key part to become a Muslim.

Salah / Namaz ( Prayer / Worship )

Salah is one of the Arkan-ad-deen ( Pillars of Islam ) and it is very important for every Muslim to perform prayer 5 times a day as we are commanded to be and we also come to know from many Hadith about the punishment for the muslims whom don't prayer and defects of those whom pray but not with whole-heartedly or used to miss prayers alot.On the day of judgment a muslim will be ask for his prayers and if that goes okay then other things will be right and if that goes wrong then other things will be wrong.

Muslims prayng in a mosque/masjid
Muslims offering prayer in a mosque/masjid

Zakah ( Charitable giving )

Zakah is the third pillar of Islam and it is obligatory on every Muslim who has wealth and able to give it out.It consist of 2.5% of a person's wealth for the benefit of poor and needy.The main purpose of Zakah is to spread the money in Islamic state just not in some wealthy people's hand but to all Muslims.

Sawm ( Fasting )

Sawm ( pronounced as Sao-om / صوم ) is obligatory on every Muslim that has reached puberty in the month of Ramadan with the exception of those whom are incapable of fasting such as the sick ones and there are also other exceptions.It is not only limited to the month of Ramadan but this deed can also be perform in every month which will be the cause of divine reward.During Sawm a muslim is supposed to control his anger and his false wishes and more.

Hajj ( Pilgrimage to Makkah )

The Hajj is the pilgrimage that occurs during the holy month of Dhul al-Hajja and every muslim who is able-bodied and wealthy enough to went to Makkah is obliged to perform Hajj atleast once in their life.It is obligatory on both muslim men and women.From many Ahadith we come to know the importance of Hajj and its virtues.Hajj should be made to please Allah not with any other intentions.

Muslims performing hajj

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