The Story of Hazrat Saleh AlaiheSalam - Islamic Paradise

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Story of Hazrat Saleh AlaiheSalam

This Post was Posted by at Saturday, June 01, 2013

The Story of Hazrat Saleh A.S

Assalam O Alaikum ! ,
Allah S.W.T created this world and created human being and created for human beings things that would help him.Allah S.W.T also sent messengers to the particular group ( Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W is exception in this because HE was sent towards the whole world ) or nation to guide to people to the straight Path and to let them know about the commandments of Allah.But it has been a tradition amongst the people that whenever a Prophet comes they denied at first and most of them would not accept the message of Allah S.W.T and they end up having wrath of Allah S.W.T upon them.The people to whom Hazrat Saleh A.S were sent are also one of them who rejected the message of Allah at first but after that they asked for a sign to show them if HE is a Prophet of Allah S.W.T and when they were showed the sign they believed in him and they were commanded that not to do something particularly and they died which caused them to have wrath of Allah S.W.T upon them.

The Story of Hazrat Saleh A.S and Qaum-e-Samood

What I've written below is taken from the lecture of Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki from the series of THE LIVES OF THE PROPHETS.You can Listen it below or you can read out.The Mp3 version is much better than written because it is elaborated.

Mp3 - The Story of Hazrat Saleh A.S:

Allah S.W.T sent Hazrat SALEH A.S to the people of Samood.Qaum-e-Samood ( The People of Samood ) lived in Hijr ( Al-Hijr is a rocky track).They are also one of those nations whom denied the message of Allah.They used to carved out houses in the mountains and they feel secure because they thought that what they've built will protect them from flood , earthquake and tornado etc which produced arrogance in them but they didn't know that All Power Belongs to Allah.

The Picture of Homes of Samood
Sample Picture of The Homes of As-Samood
( We do not own the picture rights )

Hazrat Saleh A.S presented to them the message of Allah and told them to stop worshiping other Gods except Allah and in response they denied stop worshiping what their fathers used to worship.They also accused Saleh A.S of being a magician.They asked Saleh A.S if you are truthful then bring us a sign then Saleh A.S asked them what do you want?.They were the only nation who were given the option to choose the miracle they wanted to see.They said do you see this rock over here ( they pointed towards ) we want you to produce a living camel out of it.Syedna Saleh A.S asked ALLAH S.W.T and the miracle was performed in front of the people and suddenly out of this rock a huge she camel came out.Syedna Saleh A.S told them this is the agreement this camel that you asked for , you can drink water from the wells today but the other day camel will drink from it and you will not drink from that ( the schedule was one day for camel and the other day for people ).He also told them that don't harm it otherwise you will be punished.So the things were going all set but there were some conspiracies occurring , there was a group which was conspiring not only to harm the camel but to kill it ( there were 9 men in group ).They made their move and when they got next to the camel they hesitated because the camel was huge but one of them, the most evil among them, he took his sword and hit camel on his front leg then camel fell down and they killed it with their swords.Then they said to Saleh A.S now bring us the punishment that you promised.Not only that they also conspired to assassinate Saleh A.S and his family at night time.Saleh A.S came out and told his people that You Have Three Days To Enjoy Yourselves , This Is A Promise That Will Not Be Belie.After three days passed they said that he is a liar and then they went to bed feeling secure.On fourth day ( the exact deadline ) early in the morning Allah S.W.T sent them an awful cry that was so loud that it caused the earth to shake and then they died.

[ Click Here to See the images of THE HOMES OF SAMOOD Part 1 ]

[ Click Here to See the images of THE HOMES OF SAMOOD Part 2 ]

Here is something very important to note , there were only nine men who conspired against the prophet so why Allah S.W.T destroyed the whole nation ? Because , they knew about this corruption and they did not stop it because they thought that they will eat and sleep and fill be fine so they didn't stop them.This is very important thing in Islam that if we find any bad thing going on then we must stop it and do not just let it go and the biggest example of what happens to those who do not stop bad things happening in front of their eyes is the example of people of Samood.

Allah S.W.T saved Saleh A.S and his followers and after they were destroyed Saleh A.S came back to his town that was empty and he started speaking to the dead bodies and told them " O My People I've indeed conveyed to you the message of my Lord and have given you good advice but you like not good advice "

Hadith about the ruins of The People of Samood

Once Rasool Allah S.A.W.W was travelling with army and they passed by the ruins of Samood.So some of the Sahaba R.A went in and took some water from the wells of Samood and they mixed some flowers in that water to make bread and the brought some of that water.Rasool Allah S.A.W told them don't eat from that bread , feed it to the camels and through all of the water you brought and do not go in there except if you are going to cry.

In the end , i would like to say that if you know that there is something wrong going on and that could harm the environment and people so you must try to stop it.You must have to put your effort otherwise we know that happened to the people of Samood.


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