The Pictures of Homes of Samood Part 2 - Islamic Paradise

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Pictures of Homes of Samood Part 2

This Post was Posted by at Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

Assalam O Alaikum ! ,
Today I've shared the pictures of the Houses of Samood which i got from a friend of mine.The main purpose of sharing this picture with you guys is to realize you that this materialistic world has no value over Jannah ( Paradise ).Everything in this world will be destroyed and will not remain forever so one should not feel proud over this materialistic world, we should not love this world in a way that we forget about the Day of judgement, Paradise and Hellfire.We should always remember that this materialistic world would not do us any good on the day of judgement but our good deeds will do. 

Hazrat Saleh A.S was sent to the People of Samood.They first rejected the message but later accepted it and they were forbide to do some particular thing but they did that and that caused them to have wrath of ALLAH S.W.T upon them.

Note : We do not own any rights for the pictures used below.

[ Click Here to read about THE STORY OF HAZRAT SALEH A.S ]

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

The Pictures of Homes of Samood

[ See More Photos of THE HOMES OF AS-SAMOOD ]

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