Introduction to - Islamic Paradise

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Introduction to

This Post was Posted by at Thursday, April 25, 2013

Introduction to
Islamic Paradise is completely an Islamic Blog where Muhammad Yahya share Islamic Lectures , Hadtihs , Quranic Ayats and alot more.The main aim of Islamic Paradise is to spread true Islamic teachings free from sectarianism and any hatred towards any person or group etc.

 Islamic Paradise -

Today Muslim Ummah has divided into many sects and groups and our aim is to unite them.Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W extremely stressed on Unity among Muslims so we should understand its importance and follow what our Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him ) taught us.

Islamic Paradise wants to remove misconceptions about Islam in Non-Muslims which have created a bad image of Muslims in the Non-Muslim World.But it isn't like that in reality.Basically Islam is the religion of Peace , Brotherhood and fellow-feelings.Islam never promoted Terrorism or any act of it.Terrorism is a greater sin in Islam.Jihad is for constructive purpose, it is not in any way part of terrorism.These are all just misunderstandings.

What a Muslim is supposed to do ?

A Muslim is suppose to spread good and stop bad from being spreaded.One should try to spread anything good that he knows and in this case Islamic Paradise begs everyone of you to spread our blog to whom you care about if you think We are spreading good knowledge.We will be greatful if you spread the knowledge you get here to your networks.

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( Note : This Post is included in all primary labels of the blog. )

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